VI Международный конгресс,
посвященный А.Ф. Самойлову
и клиническая электрофизиология.
Актуальные вопросы
современной медицины
6-7 апреля 2023 г., г. Казань,
смешанный формат




Kazan State Medical Academy (KSMA) is a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education "Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education" of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation (FSBEI FPE RMACPE MOH). 

Kazan State Medical Academy is a budgetary institution of the federal subordination, which has the right to conduct educational activities in the field of postgraduate and additional vocational education according to the license of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science dated 31.01.2017, registration number 2527. Certificate of State Accreditation issued on 13.05.2019 No. 3099. More than 10,000 doctors in 80 specialties from all regions of Russia and the CIS countries are trained at the academy annually. About 300 residents are studying at KSMA, including foreign citizens from 9 countries of the world.

Educational activities in the KSMA, a branch of the FSBEI FPE RMACPE MOH Russia are provided with educational, auxiliary and administrative areas of various forms of ownership.

The main scientific areas of research activities:

1. Medical and social factors of maternal health protection.

2. Medical and social factors of child health protection.

3. Development of diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation technologies for the provision of medical care.

4. Introduction of new drugs and increasing the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy.

5. Development of clinical issues, pathogenesis and treatment of neurological pathology in children and adults.

6. Research of new approaches to the pathogenesis and treatment of immunological pathology and allergic diseases in children and adults.

7. Improvement of radiation and clinical laboratory methods for diagnosing human diseases based on the widespread introduction of modern technologies.

8. Health of the population and improvement of the management of the regional health care system. Hygienic problems of morbidity.

9. Improvement of methods of prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

10. Improvement of methods of prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of surgical diseases, injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

11. Improving dental and orthodontic care.

12. Improvement of medical, rehabilitation, preventive and social assistance to patients with mental and drug disorders.

13. Improvement of methods of prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. Epidemiological issues.

14. Basic research.

In these areas, research activities are carried out in accordance with the current and prospective work plans of the departments and structural divisions of the KSMA.

In order to stimulate scientific and publishing activities, the KSMA has established annual awards for the teaching staff, graduate students, applicants and employees of the Academy for the "Best Monograph", "Best Educational and Methodological Edition", "Best Work of Young Scientists".

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