VI Международный конгресс,
посвященный А.Ф. Самойлову
и клиническая электрофизиология.
Актуальные вопросы
современной медицины
6-7 апреля 2023 г., г. Казань,
смешанный формат

Oral Presentation Instructions

All talks are planned with 15 minutes (10 minutes presentation + 5 minutes of discussion). Please stay in time to guarantee that the Congress runs smoothly without delays. The title of the work and presentation of the speaker will be performed by section chair.

Presentations for oral communications should be prepared with Microsoft Office PowerPoint.
The authors have to download their presentation with the help of the technical specialist the day before their communication. This measure is required for estimation of compatibility of the presentation with the operating system at the section. If any problems occur, there will be enough time to make corrections.

At the same time, participants should also have a copy of their presentation at the day of talk. Please, do not bring your own PC.

The Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentations should be saved on USB 2.0 Flash Drives for their upload on the Congress computer. The name of the file should be labeled with your name. Fonts should be standard such as Times New Roman, Arial or Courier. If non-standard fonts are required they should be embedded in the presentation files. In addition, please, set up the slide size for «On-screen show». 

The Organizing Committee guarantees that all downloaded presentations will not be transferred to the third persons without a personal permission of the author.

During the preparation of Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentation do not use any dynamic links from other programs, all objects should be located directly in the presentation. If the participants wish to include video into the presentation, they are encouraged to use usual video codecs. The use of specific codecs will increase the risk of problems with presentation. Videos should be uploaded to the Conference PC in parallel with presentations.

The use of automatic timer for slides is strictly prohibited.

While preparing the presentation avoid using large fragments of text with small font size. Remember, that the quality of the projector is limited and all parts of the presentation should be easily visible from any point of the auditory.

The following equipment will be available on-site:

  • Laptop with Microsoft Office PowerPoint (OS Windows)
  • Projector and projector screen
  • Laser pointer
  • Microphone
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